Wally’s Advice – Use Your Voice and Eyes to Convey Your Message

Using Your Voice and Eyes to Convey Your Message

One of the finest people I ever knew, and a great mentor, was a fellow named Sgt. Major Wally.

He was a tall, muscular man at 5 foot 11 inches and 200 pounds, with a full beard, shaggy hair, and a wide smile. He was truly a leader among men. Wally always had a twinkle in his eyes and a laugh that resonated.

His advice has never failed me. If you want your men to hear and understand, lower your voice, and look them in the eye when giving the orders. If you have any doubts, ask them to repeat the orders back to you, he advised me as a young ROTC graduate.

I thought this was negating all my training. However, he was right; I was wrong.

When I needed complete attention and commitment from my team, I’ve used that advice. Lowered my voice to where people had to lean in to hear me and used my eyes to communicate the seriousness of the situation.

You can read more about this leader here: https://drdarryl1950.wordpress.com/2018/04/27/one-of-my-friends-a-hero-and-a-man-i-much-admired-died-december-24-2017/

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